Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gifts - Bear + guide book to making a lot of MONEY $$$

This few days has been much of a learning process. Attended a short training on Monday and today. Monday's training was about Diabetes and Hypertension and today's training is more on a refresher course of the data entry system and common mistakes. Really, one can never stop learning. Even my friend will be going for further studies soon. Mmm. There's so much to learn, so much to know, so much to find out, so much to remember and yet we are only utilizing 10% of our human brain?! 

Anyway, my idolize FSC gave me two gifts today. One baby polar bear called Eister (which is so soft and hug-gable, I'm hugging it now) and a book titled "Wink and Grow Rich." It's a step by step guide to making a lot of money! So hopefully after reading the 14 chapters, I can be able to apply them in real life and make lots of money! 

This book complies some of the principles in a simple manner with illustrations to guide along. Storyline started with a nine years old boy left with a one dollar note in his hand trying to find wealth by visiting the Well of Wealth as per his sick and tired father's instruction. However, on the journey, he saw an old lady which guided him to another path and passed him a notebook with "Think it, ink it" scribbled on it. Later in his journey, he met The Optometrist, The Plumber, The Garderner, The Fisherman, The Rower, The Musician, The Innkeeper, The Carpenter, The Old Lady again.

I have only finished reading the part on The Optometrist and I'm really absorbing the golden rules.

"Quality of communication = Quality of life"
The four levels of communications are 1. Exchange 2. Connect 3. Motivate 4. Inspire

It's like talking about how we network with people. At the first level, people simply EXCHANGE conversations, spending hours complaining or chatting but create no clarity and no wealth. At the second level, people get more clarity, they CONNECT with others and form great team players. At third level, this group of people are focused and others can relate to them. They become Leaders and MOTIVATE people around them which create connection and momentum. The last level is when you INSPIRE and become the leader of leaders. To inspire, we need a clear, focused vision. Talking about Vision, no wonder my boss can be so successful, he also talks about vision all the time. 

I'm curious as to what other guidelines the rest of the people will share but it's time for bed now so I shall just stop here.  

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