Friday, April 01, 2011

April Fools' Day Confession - Ways to sharpen our mind

For all my readers out there, you all might be wondering what have an Ostrich got to do with April Fool? Well, I'm not going to blog about the origin of April Fools' day or whether did I got fooled today (apparently not so there's nothing to blog about) but I was just thinking about this, does brain size correlate to intelligence? Just as I was thinking about the brain sizes, the image of an Ostrich and the saying that "an Ostrich's brain is the size of its' eyeball" came to my mind. This saying is confirmed to be true from the Ostrich Fact or Fiction website. There is no definite answers as to whether the brain size correlate to intelligence but I do know that if we don't train our brain enough, when we grow older, we might really become a fool. One teacher used to tell the class that an intelligent person brain would have lots of loops and curves like that of the Albert Einstein (See point 10 of his brain). Those not so intelligent ones would have a smooth like pebble brain and that teacher always crack jokes like wanting to open up our head to see our brain. I was quite frightened by that back then. 

Fish from Feng Shui Inn in 2010
Research suggests that eating more omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient found in fish and nut oils plays an important role in memory and cognitive performance. A deficiency in omega-3 fatty acid caused fatigue, poor memory and bad mood.

Beside eating the right food, playing the right game also helped to train our brain. I played Brain Trainer from Lumosity and found that those games are really stimulating.

Joyce received a bouquet of flower in March
PS: April Fools' Day is not only a day to play pranks on friends. It's also a great day for people to confess because if you get rejected today, you simply shout "Happy April Fools' Day!" This way it saves one from feeling embarrass or awkward. 


Ken Wooi said...

confessing on april fool? doesnt sound like a nice thing to do.. hehe :P

ChewyJas said...

-> kendra bing , free advertising .
-> Ken, April Fools Joke ! haha . .