Thursday, October 07, 2010

The 'I like it on...' facebook status updates that makes everyone scratch head of its real meaning

 is flooded with all the "I like it on the table", "I like it on my bed", "I like it on his couch" etc status update today. What is the "it" referring to? Why is it that only the ladies are posting this kind of status? Most people probably have some "dirty thoughts" with the "it" thingy and relates this "it" to the first thing that comes to their mind. However, this "it" innocently refers to a "wallet". LOL~ As I found out from this source October is a month for Breast Cancer Awareness and they are having this trend going on worldwide. The idea is to keep the guys in the dark and some ladies like me who was quite curious to queries and find out the answer. Well, I didn't really see what's the link of telling others where you like to keep your wallet with breast cancer, can you??


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