Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shopping at Far East Shopping Center + Movie: Babies at Lido + KTV at Jurong Safra

Had lunch and did a little shopping at Far East Shopping Center before bf and I went to catch a movie at Lido Cineplex at Shaw Theatres.

Lido cineplex will undergo a $20 million revamp soon and will be closed from next month onwards all the way till April 2010. The cineplex's famous wall mural depicting well known film characters will be gone together with the fast food outlets on the fifth floor. Thus, this would be the last time we can watch a movie there.

Last time when I was still working at FEO, bf and I would frequently watched movies here but now we only came here when there's movie vouchers or when certain movies are only shown at Shaw theatres.

Passed by Lido 1 to get to Lido 7 which is right at the end for our movie.

So what movie kind of movie did we watched before the cineplex closed down? We decided to watch Babies by Thomas Balmès which is only available at Shaw cineplex. Now I realised not all movies are shown at all cinemas. Babies are only shown at Shaw cineplex but not Haunted Changi.

I am pretty surprised that the whole theatre was 3/4 full house. We were seated 3rd row from the screen and the audiences are a mixtures of males and females. My row there's 5 guys and I'm the only lady. This movie or rather documentary follows the birth till the first steps of four babies from 4 different parts of the world. Ponijao from Namibia, Bayarjargal from Mongolia, Mari from Tokyo and Hattie from San Francisco. The babies are so adorable and watching them growing up, living their everyday lives are just irresistible. Without any narration, subtitles or any comprehensible dialogue, we watched the beauty of the newborns and chuckle to how they react innocently to things around them.

The four different environment and upbringing makes the four babies unique in their own way. Both Ponijao and Bayarjargal lived closer to the natural while Mari and Hattie was raised in the modern city.

One would expect to see scenes of Ponijao having a wet tongue licking session with the dog, playing with stones and whatever she could find on the floor, dance like the dance of the waka waka song, balancing an object on her head while walking, drinking water from the stream and the classic scene from the trailer trying to snatch a plastic bottle but failed and get hit. 

We laughed when we see how the mother wrap and tie Bayarjargal up like tying a parcel when he was just born. We giggles when we see his brother disturbing him by hitting him with a towel. We were delighted when we hear him speaking his first word which is "mama" and he can goes on continuously for 20 seconds just saying "mama, mama, mama!" We love the way he crawl with his head nodding side by side. We were amused when the goat pops by to drink from the basin he was bathing in.    
Mari the sweet little girl gets frustrated when she's attempting to place a spindle into the hole of a disc but she never gives up, she try again and got frustrated again for many times. She went for babies classes and learnt walking with her father by her side.

Hattie with her sky blue eyes fascinates us with the way she peels the banana and eats it. She belongs to one of the more privilege baby in the movie beside Mari as she has cultured and literate parents who reads to her and show her books with title of "No Hitting" when she hits her mummy.

All in all, whether the babies are in whatever parts of the world, we see them being loved, we see the personality of each child emerging and it's definitely a nice show to catch before it became taken down.

So after the movie, we went upstairs to Lido 2 to take more photos.

Me standing beside the wall of photos. Hall of fame?

Bf at the stair with the wall mural. There is a contest whereby the one who can get the most number of films name of the wall mural wins tickets to Hong Kong. Sounds easy but actually no. I'm not sure if anybody can get all the correct answers. Perhaps only the person who paints the wall mural knows the answers.

Me overlooking Ion Orchard.

Went home to take a short nap before we went out for the outing of the night. $8 KTV at Jurong Safra from 7pm to 10pm organised by Lis and friends.

East straight. Room number 26.

And this is the corridor name.

$8 only, super worth it and the system is hi-tech one. Not like some places. This is touch screen one. We picked a lot of A*Mei songs in the beginning.  

Enjoyed myself and even bf is in the singing mood and we have SH who really sings well. All were mesmerised by her singing skill when she sing Olivia Ong - You and me and some of Angela's songs. To bring the atmosphere high, Lady Gaga's songs were also sang by Lis and Jc. Get to know new songs like "好听-许茹芸" which I know how to sing but didn't know the singer and title until today. Get to know that Grace also likes Jay's songs and Ding Dang's songs which we both can sing together. We had fun until 10 pm while some go for supper, most went home. If I wasn't so tired, I might go for supper since we did not even have our dinner yet but we were too tired to think of eat. Just wanted to go home, bath and sleep.  

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