Sunday, February 14, 2010

CNY day one and Valentine's Day

Like every year's day one of Chinese New Year, went to the same few places to 拜年. Unlike every year's this year day one of Chinese New Year crash with Valentine's day! So sad. I have every reasons to dislike it, with Valentine's day on a Chinese New year, there's practically not much places to go to and also means one less festival to celebrate.

We didn't celebrate V day like last year but he still surprised me with a small Hello Kitty toy whereby the expression will change every time you press the little yellow star on her stomach. It even comes with a mini travel diary. This is Hello Kitty dressed up in Holland costume and her mini Holland travel diary. Even bf didn't know that there's a mini travel diary inside. So we were both quite surprised.
In total there's 8 sets to be collected. Hint to bf that he should get me the whole of 8 sets. Haha. Wonders will he really go and buy the rest of the 7 sets or not.

For my present to him, I handmade a V day card and also a kitty bookmark. He even argued with me that the kitty on the front cover of the card is a squirrel. Faints.

Anyway, wishes everyone a happy and prosperous tiger year! Huat ah!

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