Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shake up with Nokia Comes with Music!

Imagine a year of unlimited Music downloads from a collection of more then millions of songs.
The best part is it is free and is to be keep forever!
That is too good to be true huh?!
The truth is Nokia is coming up with a few cool models that gives you this privilege!
Not only that, I think these 3 handphone models look stylish too.
Really wished to own one of them. Hehe

N96 Comes with Music edition

N85 Comes with Music edition

NOKIA 5800 Comes with Music edition

Nokia Playlist

Signing off,

Shake up with Nokia Comes with Music!


LiS said...

all e best and hope u can win e prize!! =)

ChewyJas said...

thanks ya !~ :)

ChewyJas said...

thanks ya !~ :)

Ah Leen said...

Good luck Neighbour!! hope you can win the phone!!

ChewyJas said...

Thanks ah. feeling lucky already.. hahaha