Sunday, April 05, 2009

Rainy day at home

What a nice rainy sunday. Woke up at 12.30pm to eat lunch. After that rain so heavily that I couldn't go out so I simple open my fridge, took up a rose mask and orange eye mask and went to slp again. Woke up for the second time at 2.30pm feeling so refreshed. The rain had also stopped. Maybe going out later.

PS: I've now got a comment section too!! Whee~~ Have been trying to figure out how to put comments below the post for so long that whenever I try the comment HTML just appears in the background instead. Thanks to my helpful neighbour who only took like 3 minutes to edit my HTML. Next week we shall meet up and catch up yea!


Ah Leen said...

You're welcome neighbour :P. Yup, we shall meet up! :D

ChewyJas said...

nx wk nx wk.. hehe ^^