Saturday, March 07, 2009

Lis Adv Bday Cele @ Holland Village - NYDC & Indo chine

A sweet handmake cake from Ling.
Wishing a happy birthday to our princess elisa ^^,

Hmmm, I wonder how many wish she make?
or 3?

MIA: Stel and LY


Chilled out at Indo Chine. Really wanted to go to Eski Bar one. Havent even go and it closed down le. Economy so bad, so many places cannot survived. The Disney Naturally at Anchor Point closed, the Japanese restaurant that we planned to dine closed, Eski Bar closed, Settlers cafe at Holland V closed, etc etc. So next time if there's a place that you wanted to go to, don't wait. It might just closed down the next day.

@ Indo Chine, some of the drinks have 1 for 1. I like Cindy's which have a green apple taste. My own was a mixture of coconut and dunno what, making it taste yucky like medicine. Lucky exchange with bf. Hahaha. We had a small cushion fight and also some crazy laughter before I think all of us feels sleepy. One thing I don't like there was that they don't play any music in the bar. Why is that so? Strange.

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