Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cycling trip to Palau Ubin and Chek Jawa

Finally it's the weekend again. Have arranged for a Palau Ubin trip with bf, D, Lis.

Had breakfast at Pasir Ris Mac. A "mmm, ahhh, woooo" (indescribable) McGriddles breakfast to kickstart the day. I wish they have more maple syrup in the bread.

The bf was shocked to see me putting in 4 packets of sugar into the drink. He only put in two packets, I asked him whether he have taste it, he say no. Later on, D and Lis arrived. When they went to order their food, bf called D to take more packets of sugars! Wahaha. Say me put so many packets later on ownself also realise 2 packets not enough. xP Laugh at him lor. LOL. After the breakfast, we set of to Changi Ferry Terminal. D went by bike. We three by cab. On the way, we saw D in front of us but don't know he got saw us not.

Departing from the Changi Ferry Trerminal by a short 10 minutes boat ride to Palau Ubin. The price of the boat ride has went up again! We were quite suay cos that boat we taking behide no shelter. The seat was damn hot. I choose to stand. Suddenly one ang mo gentleman came up to me and offered his seat as he was seated inside the shelter. I thanks him politely and decline his offer. How can I go in and leave my frenz behind in the sun right? LOL. I good de lor. Want hot all hot together.

After a short time, we have reached.

Took 2 double bikes. Not that I dunno how to cycle, but Ubin leh, so many slopes, used to be my mum ride with me de, so this time round, bf become the one riding in front. :)~ Hehe. BF was a pro rider. He went down slopes without pressing brake one can and even go left right left right. My feeling was quite scare yet can feel the stableness. Anyway I kept screaming like what like that and asked him to stop but he nv. So naughty. :P

It was a sunny day and we cycled the wrong direction as our aim was to go to Chek Jawa. Took a short break at the coconut stall. Average of 2 coconuts per person.

We encounter alot there, one thing was the chain of the bike keep coming out, then the guys have to dirtied their hands to put it back. Another was bf got stuck into a spider web. Wahaha. Funny. Another was how me and bf saw a bird caught a snake and flew up into the sky.

We cycle and cycle until we reached Chek Jawa. Our first time there. Already very shagged but we still have fun, went up a four storey viewing tower. After walking one big round of Chek Jawa, cycled back to return the bicycle and took the boat back to mainland again.

Ate the nasi lemak but not as yummy as last time liao. Chat chat a bit, they say since not so tired, wanna plan for night activities or not? I say ok, since now just finish exam, later start another exam liao maybe no time go out? So after much consideration we set or watching movie but first must go back home to bath first. Too sweaty and sticky. We ended up watching "Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay" at Cathay. A M18 show. The name of this movie is enough to make Lis and even my mum laugh but after watching the show, I dun felt that its funny at all. Throughout the whole show, I think I heard most laughter from the male audience. LAME. Low class sex jokes. Waste money. After the show we all went home seperately. I was thinking should have use the time to go for dessert. Wahaha. Nvm. The guys enjoyed it can liao. The whole story is about how this two guys sld be taking a plane to another city but one old lady thought they are terrorist, so they got caught and were sent to the Guantanamo Bay there to give blow job to the big BOB officer, this part den everyone laugh liao. Funny meh? Then they managed to escape of course and throughtout encounter alot. BF say he can download part 1 for me. I ask him got so funny meh? He say funny. Hmmm. Lis will agrees with my side. One part I dun understand is how they show the president another side of image. Wont get banned meh?

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