The AIA Glow Festival 2019 is a one day, ultimate festival dedicated to unwind. It is one of the various initiatives by AIA Singapore, the Title Sponsor of this event to celebrate their significant milestone of marking their 100th year in Asia.
Held at the Palawan Green, Sentosa Island, the event started as early as 7.30 am till late at night. Putting together the concept of Run, Yoga and Party, this wellness and music hybrid festival starts with some mass yoga sessions led by world class instructors, followed by the 5KM Charity Fun Run and ends off with a music festival featuring some of the biggest local acts like The Sam Willows.
I collected the the festival kit the day before with my bestie during lunch time as the collection venue was within walking distance from our work place. The festival kit comprised of the wristband and a bandana and we were reminded not to lose it.
So, the worst really happened when I realised just moment before we reached Beach station that I couldn't find the wristbands. Went into panic mode as we were already there at the venue and I can't be sure if I've left them at home. Luckily, I was with Jessie and Meryl and they suggested that I keep calm and try to collect from the organizers again.
With my stroller in hand and under the hot, blazing sun, I went to approach one of the staff there and told her my situation. I also asked Meryl to help me request from the counter as it was really inconvenient for me to get in the queue with my stroller and my girl just wants to stay inside the shade.

So, the worst really happened when I realised just moment before we reached Beach station that I couldn't find the wristbands. Went into panic mode as we were already there at the venue and I can't be sure if I've left them at home. Luckily, I was with Jessie and Meryl and they suggested that I keep calm and try to collect from the organizers again.
With my stroller in hand and under the hot, blazing sun, I went to approach one of the staff there and told her my situation. I also asked Meryl to help me request from the counter as it was really inconvenient for me to get in the queue with my stroller and my girl just wants to stay inside the shade.

The staff-in-charge seeing my pathetic situation and in order not to block and disrupt the crowds, they passed me another set of wristband to enter the 5KM Charity fun run! After all the drama, we still have some time before the race starts so we took some photos. The race started promptly and I noticed the race crowds were pretty much the youngsters. There's even one who came dressed up as spiderman.
The 5km route was one with lots of up slopes and down slopes. Felt a little bit out of place pushing a stroller in hand and was really glad that Meryl was right beside accompanying me throughout the whole route, helping me push the stroller when it is time for the up slope. With my girl, sometimes it's really hard to meet up with friends and go to certain events but when I think about how it's only that few years before she will have her own friends, it became my motivation to try to bring her out with me most of the time.
A mandatory photo at the finishing line. By completing this 5km route, we got to receive a finisher medal and AIA will donate S$10 to the AIA Centennial Fund, up to maximum of S$100,000.
The 5km route was one with lots of up slopes and down slopes. Felt a little bit out of place pushing a stroller in hand and was really glad that Meryl was right beside accompanying me throughout the whole route, helping me push the stroller when it is time for the up slope. With my girl, sometimes it's really hard to meet up with friends and go to certain events but when I think about how it's only that few years before she will have her own friends, it became my motivation to try to bring her out with me most of the time.
A mandatory photo at the finishing line. By completing this 5km route, we got to receive a finisher medal and AIA will donate S$10 to the AIA Centennial Fund, up to maximum of S$100,000.
Reunited with Jessie and her colleague at the resting area. Rena came out from her stroller and it's now her time to play as the sun has started to set and it's more cooling. Didn't get the usual back and leg sore as I walked at my own pace.
Thank you Jessie for sharing this event with me. This is one of the prettiest finisher medal I've collected so far.
Thank you Jessie for sharing this event with me. This is one of the prettiest finisher medal I've collected so far.
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