Tuesday, December 04, 2012

[Charity] SingTel Touching Lives Fund - Fold a Heart Activity is Back

Launch in 2002, the SingTel Touching Lives Fund is the cornerstone of SingTel's philanthropy program which helps to raise funds for charities that help children and youth with special needs in the community. This year, into their 11th year, they aim to raise more than S$2 million for their six beneficiaries as follows :

APSN Chaoyang School

APSN Tanglin School
Eden School
MINDS Lee Kong Chain Gardens School
Singapore Cancer Society - Help the Children & Youth Programme
Spastic Children's Association School

Picture Credit : SingTel 

To raise public awareness and engages the community, the Fold a Heart activity was started since their launch in 2002. SingTel donates S$1 for every origami heart collected. This year, the origami Fold a Heart activity will be carried out between 26 November and 4 December 2012. 

Photo Credit : SingTel
They've carried out outreach program first with the schools in early November to reach out to the students. Every efforts counts and Maha Bodhi School is one of the participating schools with all the students in the school folded a total of 5,000 origami hearts. 

Fold a heart online

If you have missed out folding the hard copy heart like me, no worries as there is an online version of Fold a Heart at http://info.singtel.com/personal/foldaheart. This online Fold a Heart activity will ends at 31 December 2012 or when they received 200,000 e-hearts. Simply make a few clicks to "fold" a heart and do a small part for charity too. 

I'm glad that with a small action of mine I can help to contribute to the fund. I hope everyone can participate in this meaningful activity too. Thank you! 

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