Monday, October 15, 2012

My Blogging Journey Becomes Official + Dinner with Jessie

Okay, I'm really feeling excited as I type on this post cause I'm finally getting my own name card!!! What an incredible laughable statement, you might think. I've been in the workforce for like 7 years, blogging on and off for about 9 freaking long years and yet I don't carry a name card all this while. #truestory !!! Just in case you are curious with my blogging history, here's my first blog post back at my first blog - HAHAHA. OMG. Reading back my old posts really brings back some forgotten memories. I was like, Huh, this sort of things actually happened to me back then? How come I don't remember? I started blogging around the same time as XX, the most famous blogger in Singapore, but the similarity ends there. Haha. Anyway, her fame is too far-fetched for me to attain and I'm already contented with my current status.  

Excited about my name cards! 
Realized that a lot of my friends who started blogging together with me have stopped blogging totally already. At one point of time, I had that same thoughts too because I can't find anything interesting to blog about anymore. Life is getting mundane with work. Fortunately, I met this incredible friend who is also a blogger, Jessie - Sometimes, she is like the big sister that I hope to have. Giving me advices and teaching me a lot of things I didn't know. Sometimes, she is like my "blog manager." Insisting that I should get my own name cards and so that's when I started designing my name cards on powerpoint and she helped me get them printed. A lot of the big and small events that I had the chance to attend is also mostly extended by her. I'm really, really thankful to her for all this. I'm thankful to a lot of other people too, those who have helped me along the way, whether big or small. Those who stood by me when I'm down. Those who shared their life experiences with me. I'm also thankful that I had a full-time job on hand. That is my main rice bowl. That's also why I didn't put any title on my name cards. I'm not counted as a full-time blogger but I still put in lots of effort in my blog posts. 

Gifts from Jessie from Malaysia
After knowing Jessie is also the time I found out how blogging opens up so many opportunities for me to explore. When we attended events, we are usually treated like VIPs. We are the first few to be in the known for launches, be it fashions/tech/etc. However, I need to clear many people's misconception of bloggers here cause I get a lot of people asking me the same question again and again, that is, do we get paid? Once and for all, I would say, most of the time, No. We don't get any monetary returns for blogging, maybe a small door gift, some refreshments, products to try, yes, but money wise, it all depends, at least this is such for me, I don't know about the more famous bloggers. That doesn't really bothers me cause I blogged due to a passion. Blogging is a great avenue to share thoughts/information and my life with the rest out there. 

So, with my new name cards in hand, I believe my blogging journey has just become official and I look forward to more invitations to explore and experience. I've started hash-tagging my blog post in twitter too - #ChewyJas or follow me in Twitter @chewyjas. Ending this post with the quote at the back of my name card 

 "Carpe Diem! 
Enjoy life to the fullest! 
Enjoying reading my blog! 
Cheers :)"

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