Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fright Fest 2012 at Singapore Flyer

Read on to find out more . . .

Fright Fest 2012 - The Undead Forest returns to the Singapore Flyer as a three week long events in October. Last year, I only get a chance to look at the creepy photos posted online but this year, thanks to Shu Qing for asking me to join her, I got to experience the walk through the award winning rainforest beneath the Singapore Flyer, which has already transformed into the undead forest with lots of horror surprises throughout. This photo was taken before we begin our adventure and that explained our traumatized expressions as we thought of what will be awaiting us inside the forest. 

Had some fun at the various game booths first before our journey begins. 

Managed to win this cute key-chain at the "Fishing" game booth. This is the only game booth that give out the prize even though I didn't complete the target of 5 catches on time. Those who did get to bring home two of this key-chains.  

Ok, before we hop onto the Flyer, we were divided into different groups with a task to complete. Duration given will be 30 minutes which is also the time taken for the Flyer to complete one round. This task is to use any (+ , - , x , / ) to complete a given equation and the final answer have to be the unlucky number, 13! All of us started working on the equation with our phones, some try to find on google. For me, I'm bad with figures so I sent it out on Whatsapp to see if anybody can help. 5 minutes gone, 15 minutes gone, about 20 minutes later, Shu Qing broke the silence by saying that she've got the answer! She's so smart that she gotten the answer without following the given equation, but just by using the 10 random numbers. *Clap*Clap*   

So, big thanks to Shu Qing for solving that difficult equation and we still have plenty of time to relax and enjoyed the night scene at the top of the flyer and not forgetting cam-whoring with friends. The first row of photos were grabbed from Hp's blog and Jessie's blog and also Shu Qing's blog. Do visit their blogs too. Hp have even created a video of this event! Pro.  

Time to enter the undead forest, there's no turning back now so we have to brace ourselves to the spookiness behind that black cloth.  

The bull head and horse face is what greeted us first. I think we stood there for quite awhile. Taking photos and also nobody wish to be the first to lead the group and unveil the next black cloth. The scariest part of the journey is actually when one have to lift up the black cloth at certain points cause we didn't know what to expect at the other side of the black cloth. We usually do it very carefully and try to peek over to make sure it's safe first. 

A typical Chinese Alter table. 

My photos were mostly under-exposed as I forget to on the flash so most of the photos taken in the forest were after edited with my iPhone. The right one was so blurred that it looked so real and scary this way. Looking at this photo just sent a shiver down my spine somehow. ~T_T~ 

Why so scary one??? Stay away from me please!!! I don't want to see the eyeball in your hand!!!

Gosh, although I knew that all these are actually human but I still got freaked out okay. Some of them will grab you by the legs, some of them will shout like mad, some of them will suddenly pop up next to you and stared at you. 

She really looked possessed!

Last photo I took inside the forest.

After the walk in the undead forest, we were treated to some refreshments and a meet and photo taking session with the various ghosts who have scared us at the forest. According to the rest of them, this year, there's more "human" ghosts as compared to last year which uses more props.  

Well, I'm just happy to survived the walk. Fortunately, we went in as a group. I can't imagine if I had to enter alone, I think I would probably screamed out lots of time. Slept extremely well that night and thanks Christina for helping me to take this photo. She came dressed up as Medusa and won the best dressed award. If next year I still get a chance to attend, I hope that I have time to dress up to the theme too! Thank you for reading!  


Limited Time Offer!
Enjoy 30% off Category B tickets (Usual price: $25) for a limited period only! Now only $17.50! Just enter Promo Code “FF2012″ when you buy online*!

Fringe Activities:

  • The Vampire’s Lair: Waterfront Party at the Timber Deck
  • The Witch’s Corner: Halloween Carnival & Flea Market – Show your Flyer ticket and enjoy 25% discount off selected items!
  • Best Halloween Costume Contest
  • Send your friends a Facebook ‘Pick-A-Victim’ e-card! Click here.
FrightFest 2012 – The Undead Forest – is open for Early Bird bookings now, and there are limited tickets available for each day, so book now!

Terms & Conditions

FrightFest @ Singapore Flyer may not be suitable for children, pregnant women, persons with medical conditions and some audience, such as, the faint-hearted, the timid, the scaredy-cats, the weak and others. Singapore Flyer Pte Ltd will not be responsible for any nightmares, ailments, mishaps and/ or trauma sustained during or after the event. Be warned: Enter at your own risk!

For more information, please visit http://www.singaporeflyer.com/

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