Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Men in Black 3 [Time Travel] + Dinner at TCC

I love a free movie or two especially when it even comes with free pop corns and drinks. Thanks Ms Tay for bringing me to this movie event organised just for the Pacer Club members where we got to watch Men In Black (MIB) 3 for free. On top everything, she even receive her "result slip" which shows that she is very well on track. Keep it up! The result slips comes in three different colour and for those who got the pink slip, they have to buck up and work harder. 

I have a brief idea what the movie is about since I've recently watched Men in Black 2 shown on Channel 5. The signature trademarks of the Men In Black (MIB) series were still portrayed in this movie. Like how Agent J (Will Smith) and Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) would put on their black shades before zapping their pen-like neuralyzers to wipe off the memories of anybody that happened to witness something that they should not be witnessing. What the people are being kept from knowing is the secret that aliens are living among the people in New York City but these ailens have the ability to transformed themselves to look like ordinary human. So the alien could just be that waiter serving them in the restaurant or something like that. The task to ensure a safe and neutral existence between them and human lies in the hand of the MIB agency. 

Sidetrack a bit, the topic of aliens existence is always a mystery. With such a vast universe, we can't for sure conclude that there's nothing else living on the other planets. Perhaps, those creatures are also doing investigations on us? How do they looked like? What to they do? Have they visited Earth? Nobody knows the exact answers. Think about the pyramids in Egypt that were constructed in such a profound manners, how could ordinary people at the time did it?


In this movie, there is something different with the inclusion of time travel element. Story is about the one-armed alien called Boris The Animal who has broken out of the prison on moon to seek revenge on Agent k who caused him to lose one arm. So he travelled back in time to kill him. Meanwhile, agent J seems to be the only one who is aware of this and the other person is Agent O who claims that Agent K has died more than 40 years ago. Agent J is the only person who can travel back in time to change history. As he travel back to 16th July 1969 (one day before Boris was captured), we see the younger Agent K, this time acted by (Josh Brolin) having an ambiguous relationship with Agent O (Emma Thompson). The often seen as straight-face Agent K actually knows how to smile during his younger days. The ending also comes with a touching surprise as we finally understand the relationship between Agent K and Agent J. Agent J was warned by an alien, Griffin who can predict the future in terms of many different possible outcomes that no matter how he try to change history, one person has to die in that episode. It ended up the person being sacrifices was his own father as he witnessed. Overall, a highly entertaining movie. 

Yummy, reviews to be up soon!

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