Monday, December 19, 2011

Kit Kat Christmas App - Christmas CrazyPrezzies #7 Naughty E-Card : Christmas Toad

What a busy Monday! Before I revealed today's e-greetings I gotten at the Kit Kat Singapore page on Facebook with their Facebook Christmas App called Christmas CrazyPrezzies, I would like to share the above video on how KitKat has evolved in Japan and is called a different name of Kittu Kitsu which means "Surely win". What is so special about Kit Kat in Japan is that one could write a message on the box and mail it to your friends. It means a lot more and definitely worth cherishing. I wished Singapore has it too. That's why I love receiving goodies in the mail too! ;) *Hint Hint* 

As quoted from the video:
"What was once just another chocolate bar is now synonymous to good fortune and in Japan, that is very good omen indeed!"  

Time to draw the greeting!

Got this Naughty E-Card.

Yes, I love this message. We don't judge our friends by their appearance, rather is the kind of understanding (默契) that we have when we are together. 

Again I scroll through my friend list. Out of the 300+ friends, I can only select one. Scrolling through my friend list, I can't help but questioned myself, out of this 300+ friends, how many of them do I still keep in touch with? How many of them do I really personally know? The answer is only a handful. Some I didn't even remember talking to before. A few were added to beautify my news feed.  

In the end, I choose Missy T. Though I didn't know her for the longest time, I admired her for her cheerfulness and independence. I wanted to send this message to another friend, GY, who is my primary school friend and also the only friend whom we will send each other greetings through the snail mail, just like in the above video. 

However, when I draw the same e-card again, I am unable to select anymore recipients. I guess, I have to wait for another 24 hours before I can send the same e-card out. So till then, I would like to end my post with this quote, "A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely." -- Pam Brown


Tini said...

How sweet of you to remember me!
A hoop is round, and has no end,
So that's how long, I'll be your friend :)

ChewyJas said...

Heehee . . thanks ! will always rmb u one !