Saturday, May 14, 2011

Singapore General Election 2011 [One Week After]

Securing Our Future Together 

It's one week after the Singapore General Election was held on 7 May 2011. However, the buzz and news are still ongoing.

The whole elections surfaced in the news since last year but the discussion was still not so hot then. It was weeks before the actual Elections date was set that we received magazines, newsletters, facebook campaigns  and rallies being made available to us and become everyone's hot topic. Suddenly, everyone is curious to where people are staying as the location would determine which teams are contesting.

In light of the Elections, we also received the "Grow and Share" package and money was credited in late April, even the TV and radio license fee was abolished  and cheque was returned to us. 

Before the Elections, we suddenly see many oppositions team forming up. Topics like cost of living, cost of HDB Flats, transports, foreign talents were discussed. NSP policy to adjust back GST from current 7% to 5%. Comparison between Nicole Seah and Tin Pei Lin. Suddenly, it seems as if people have been suppressing their anger on a lot of issues and only exploded during this period with all the like-minded people flocking together.  

One day before the Voting day is the Cooling off day. It's a day free of campaigning and election advertising for the voters to reflect which candidates to vote for.  

On the day of the voting day itself is also the announcing of the results at night. Stayed glued to the TV since 9.30pm for the exciting results. The TV only starts releasing the results late after midnight while online results were already made known. The Returning Officer for the General Elections turned to an overnight star with his poker face and monotone voice as he announced all the results. As for the results, the dominant PAP wins majority but we can see that the votes has generally decreased.  Must be the works of social media. I really like this post which gives a detailed results and also some of the writer's thoughts.  

After the Elections, we lost a great foreign minister, George Yeo, MM Lee and SM Goh decision to step down from cabinet follows after. They have contributed greatly to the development of Singapore and will be deeply respected.

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