Thursday, April 21, 2011

Unpredictable weather , unpredictable mood

The weather recently is kinda weird . 
Just like my mood . 
One minute sunny . 
the next rain . 

' ' J ` `

Heard Ms Tay listening to Jay's 半島鐵盒 (任何时间听都好听的歌) on YouTube and I suddenly have the inspiration to change the lyrics of the chorus

为什么这样子 ? ? ?
一到 lunchtime 或放工就下雨 -__-
怎么这样子 ? ? ?
雨还没停我就得撑伞走 -__-
已经习惯为大家打包 . . . 
风雨不改天天都这样做 . . .
连 market 的小贩摊主 . . .
个个都认识我 . . .
我这次红了 xPpP

' ' J ` `

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