Saturday, September 11, 2010

Recycling Week 2010 at 502 Jurong West

Brought the ink cartridges and waste papers to recycle. Gotten a recycled bag in exchange which contains a water bottle and a mug. For the waste papers, sold for 40cents and also got 6 pens. I wish there's more of such recycling events going on so that I can collect and bring them to exchange for useful items.   

Did you know?

* Recycling 1,000 kg of paper saves 17 trees.
* Recycling an aluminium can saves 95% of the energy used to make a new one.
* Recycling a glass bottle saves 30% of the energy used to make a new one.

Items that cannot be recycled economically:

- Paper that has been contaminated with food waste, used tissue paper and sweet wrappers.
- Used styrofoam and disposable plastic cups/containers
- Cassette tapes
- Light bulbs and window glass (I didn't know window glass can't)
- Ceramic and porcelain items

Let's make our world the most beautiful home!

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