Saturday, August 07, 2010

Boeing Boeing at National Library Building

A very special gift (a pair of boeing boeing tickets) for my birthday by my special friend whom we keep in touch through mails. Oh, not e-mails but snail mails. Yes, in this day and age, e-mail is so convenient, pressing a "send" key immediately gets your electronic greeting cards sent through but how real is that? I prefer to see the person's handwriting feel the stamps pasted and the smell the card.

Boeing Boeing as the name of the play suggest, this play has to do with some flights right? Are they flying together? I have no idea of the synopsis and am eager to find out.

Bf is always the lucky one. He always gets to go to free screening cause of me.

Drama Centre Theatre at National Library Building. 

A wild rice 10th anniversary production. It was first shown at the Jubilee Hall Raffles Hotel in Oct 2002. Due to overwhelming demand, it was presented again at the Victoria Theatre in 2005 whereby all 22 performances were sold out. Now to commemorate their 10th anniversary, it's being shown again.

Me with only half a face.

Since the play hasn't started yet, get to look around the exhibitions that were outside.

I think I look like a student here. Excuse me, I'm rushing for my lecture~ xP

Hello.. Hi.. Wei wei..

Butterflies that can't fly anymore.


Finally it's time to get in.

This is how the set looks like and it remains like this throughout the three different acts. With Adrian Pang acting as Bernard in the play, this is a comedy that revolves around Bernard's relationship with three gorgeous air stewardesses from Cathay Pacific (Wendy Kweh as Jelly), Japan Airlines (Emma Yong as Junko) and our own Singapore Girl (Chermaine Ang as Janette). So clever Bernard is in a relationship with the three of them concurrently, keeping track of the different airlines timetable.

Only one woman knows what is going on and that is his long suffering housekeeper (Siti Khalijah as Minah) who have to change the menu accordingly and redecorate the bedroom's deco according to the arrival and departure of the three air stewardesses.  

One day Benard old school friends came visiting and he proudly told him of his foolproof romances. However, good times did not last long as a fasting boeing jet was introduced thus changing the timetables, weather delaying flights and complications of the woman's behaviour that did not go according to plans at all. That's when Robert steps in to keep one woman busy when the other arrives at the house unexpectedly. It was so hilarious as he came out with all sort of excuses to prevent the women from find out the truth. Day goes and it became harder and harder to keep the lie a secret. 

In the end, all went well and Benard was never exposed. The Singapore girl found a rich man overseas and decided to ditch Benard. Robert, as time goes by falls for the Japan Airline Junko and vice verse. So Benard ended up with Jelly.

It was really a nice show that brought us so much laughter.   

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