Friday, July 02, 2010

Hokkaido Trip - Narita airport, Haneda airport, Lake Toya, Mount Showa, Lake Hill Farm, Bear Ranch, Toya Sunpalace

After six long hours of flight, we arrived at Narita Airport. We were greeted by the Tokyo tour guide called "Xiao3 Cai4". Sleeping on the plane is a last thing that i could do, my ears were not blocked neither do I feel giddy but I experienced painful nose due to the air pressure. As there is no direct flight to Hokkaido we still have to take another domestic flight at Haneda Airport. 

A photo taken at the Narita Airport.

At Haneda airport waiting for the domestic flight. It has always been my dream to visit Japan since young and now is my dream come true. My favourite character Hello Kitty is produced by a Japanese Company called Sanrio. The comics (Crayon Shin Chan and Chibi Maruko Chan) I read are also from Japan. I learn Japanese language in my Poly days. Japan has many beautiful scenery which I wanted to explore like Mount Fuji which I would not cover in this trip and Disneyland though Disneyland is not consider a place for scenery, I still wanted to go there one day! Perhaps everyone would agree with me that when we see the word "made in Japan" on the things we wanted to buy, we would straight away have the conclusion that this item is of better quality then the rest.

See how innovative the Japanese are. Their washrooms or in Japan they call it the 化装间 is so much cleaner and sophisticated then ours. The buttons have different functions. I love the function which keep the seat warm so one will not have to be afraid during cold weathers. There's also a button that will play a splashing water sound just in case one gets embarrassed when "doing business". The rest of the buttons are for cleaning purposes.

We are going to board the plane :D

During this short flight, I was separated with my group of friends. Sat alone with a Japanese business man, I was board but luckily I was given a window seat so here's a view out of the window from my seat. Nice right? Our plane is way above the clouds. :D

Finally we reached Hokkaido but we were starving.

Our handsome tour guide, Xiao Tang also knows that so we went to have our lunch first before the whole days of activities begins.

Some of the scenery taken on the coach. This is the view of Lake Toya. We will be staying at a Hot Spring Ryokans at this area.

Our first destination - Mount Showa near Lake Toya.

Shiyan has fumes over her head. :P 头上冒烟

Look at where Marcus and Angela are pointing, till today, Mount Showa is still venting sulfurous fumes.

A group photo before we leave for our next destination.

Even the little flowers looks pretty on the grass of Japan.

Another view of Lake Toya.

Our second destination is this Lake Hill Farm. It's a mini farm whereby we learnt to made our own diary ice-cream.

Marcus is saying that we have to use strength when turning, since the four of us are ladies, he the only guy will do the tough work. :P

and he's quite enjoying it, don't you think?

Our product and us with our teacher. Our teacher who taught us the method to delicious and yummy ice cream.

As the name suggest, this is a mini farm, so it's not surprising to find flowers and animals like cows and rabbits. Cows over there are treated like VIPS. The grass they feed on are clean and no humans can stepped on those grass. They have a vast area to roam about thus the meat cannot be compared to other countries.

Again the group photos indicates the end of this tour. Another thing about the Japanese ladies here is that they are all very polite and demure. She insisted on standing under the hot sun to greet and waves us goodbye until the coach is out of sight.

Our last destination is the bear ranch.

100 yen of bear food for feeding the hungry bears

They all stood up and each of them making an action trying to get our attention to throw the biscuit down at them.

Are they doing what they should be doing during night time whereby it's not under the stares of so many people ? :P The bear ranch is not what I've thought it to be like before I went. We are not allowed to have close contact with the bears as they are big and fierce animals, capable to attacking a human being to death. So we are only allowed to stand by the railing and view the bears at a height and throw the biscuits down for them. The place where the bear cubs stayed is the smelliest. Some people could not proceed further after smelling that stanch.

A live video of the bears.

Finally, it's time to check in to the place we are resting tonight. This is the first time I've experience staying in a ryokan-style hotel which is a type of traditional Japanese inn featuring tatami-matted rooms, communal baths, and other public areas where we can wear the yukata provided to roam around.

It's called the Toya Sunpalace and this is how the interior looks like at the day time. During the evening, when we all went out for dinner, replacing the table would be mattress for us to sleep on.

Trying on the Yukata and pretending we are the Japanese ladies. Hehe.

Dinner time. Just the atmosphere and design of the restaurant is enough to improve my appetite.

After dinner, we were to explore this place on our own since it's still early at about 7pm+. Our tour guide has informed us that 8.30pm there will be a fireworks show and we are all waiting for it to start. The fireworks is amazing. It's put by a boat cruising on lake Toya and as the fireworks bloom in the sky, one can even see the reflection of the lights on the lake and when the sparks fall down, it falls to the lake. Truly a nice and memorable moment.

After the fireworks, we went back. The BEST thing about living in a Ryokan style hotel is that there's an Onsen AKA the Japanese Hot spring inside. It's the most embarrassing part when we cannot wear anything and have to bath in public but once you overcome this fear, the enjoyable hot spring is waiting for you. Maybe cause none of my friends went, so the rest of the people I also not so familiar with and end up nothing to be afraid about. ^^V Another reason why I choose to go there is because I don't want to wait for the bathroom inside the room. 3 people sharing the room has got advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to bathing time, most people wants to be first to use the bathroom. The hot spring is the best experience I had. 


Ken Wooi said...

so nice.. i wanna go japan!
but must save money first =/

ChewyJas said...

yah.. the saving $ part is hard.. it took me about 2 years + to save until the amount that I felt can go but you won't regret it :)

K.K. said...

I love Lake Toya area!
I've posted this area's blog.
Plz visit my blog, too!