Thursday, April 01, 2010

Today is April Fools Day - Didn't get tricked but gotten a treat . . .

. . . from my colleagues and that is this cute bunny chocolate for Easter Day (4th April). This is my first time receiving Easter day present. So surprise! :D Makes me ponder about why Easter Day is often associate with the bunnies. Chickens lay eggs too so why wasn't Chickens used? So I did a search and found a very useful link that could clear my doubts.

Brief summary

"Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ which took place in the spring time. The name of this holiday comes from the old Saxon goddess Ostara (also spelled Eostre or Eastre) who was the goddess of spring and fertility. As a goddess of spring and fertility, Ostara was closely associated with hares and eggs, both of which bring to mind fertility. While the the goddess Ostara faded into the background and was forgotten except for the holiday taking her name, her symbols, hares and eggs, became very closely associated with Easter."

So desu ne, no wonder that fortune teller also say that those born in the year of Tigers if eat rabbit meats can increase fertility and during the rabbit year will become abit 花痴 and is a year to get married. LOL.

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