Saturday, February 06, 2010

Meet up with MoO mOo frenz - Dinner @ Ding Tai Feng

One meet up with the moO MoO friends before March whereby we more or less confirmed will be going to Bintan. Next month is gonna be another exciting month with Lis, mum, bf and PSH birthdays falling on the 15th, 18th, 24th and 31st respectively. These are the people whom I definitely will celebrate for and remember at the back of my mind without even the need to refer to the online facebook birthday calender.
Finally went to 313 somerset for the first time but I guess I was too tired that I never really have the mood to shop even though there's the 4 storey Forever 21 store, zara, uniqlo etc but I simply can't move and sat on the resting area at level one and fall asleep! What a super wasted trip and the carpark there is like a merry-go-round. After turning 6 rounds on the bike to level 6 carpark, I'm really feeling giddy. Finally it's 4pm and we ride to ION to meet the moO MoO friends. Had a hard time finding parking lots. ION charges half hourly and FESC carpark was full until so many bikes kena the illegal parking fine. Ended up bf dropped me at FESC and he went to park at Tanglin Mall. Dotz.


LiS said...

touched to see my name listed there.. haha..

personally, think that Ion, 313 and Orchard Central are not really places I love to patron. either too high end or I just dun have the shopping mood there

ChewyJas said...

hehe.. dun be touched, u r my bestie ma.. same lo.. i felt those shopping malls are more or less the same one..

LiS said...

ya. u are my bestie too. muacks!

hope there's other nice places to shop!!

almost giving up shopping here and just wanna shop in BKK/HK/TPE... and just buy clothes from there

ChewyJas said...

shop for self rather sian liao.. but shop for present ok.. hehe