Saturday, February 27, 2010

CNY Day 14 - Can! Create @ Marina Barrage + CNY Party @ Boss House

The super hot weather make us don't even want to stay any minutes longer, so after I'm done with some of the activities, went home and rest as later part of the day have to go to Boss house for the CNY party.
Went to boss house with my parents for the CNY party. Due to the CAN! event, we missed out a very exciting lion dance! :( This group of lion dance they told me is the best and performed stunts and won in many competitions. Wasted!

The hot topics lately were of the 12 zodiac VCD that lady boss shown during one of the small group meetings. What to eat and what not to eat for the 12 zodiac. Thus, there's still some of us who have not really heard or watch the VCD yet. To let all of us have an idea of what can improve our luck, we have 12 representatives of the 12 zodiac to speak briefly of the zodiac. 李居明大师 said that for tigers, our characteristic was that we loves to debate. We can debate on a topic for up to 3 hours and also because we are thick skin so usually we should be able to win in a debate. We are best to become entrepreneur (yup, true, that's why I set up my own ebay to sell things. Hehe) and cannot stay in a company for long. Don't ever scold your staff if they are born in the year of tiger cause tiger people cannot take it when people scold them. For female tiger, they hope to find a partner who would listen to them. Tiger, monkey, snake and pig all wanted to be the KING. One bad thing about tiger is that when we are faced with a failure, it took us a long time to stand up and try again.

What we cannot eat:
- Intestine (lose fortune)

What we must eat:
- Shabu Shabu Mutton (meet 贵人)
- Pizza (increase our power)
- Korean BBQ (good luck good wealth)

He even make a forecast that tiger in the year of rabbit (2011) is a good year for marriage. To get pregnant must eat rabbit meat and the good timing to make babies is from 5am to 7am. LOL~

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