Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lost and Found

Early morning, bf called me on my mobile which is like so rare nowadays. In the past, we would still message each other those morning messages and so on but these type of actions are getting lesser and lesser. So I picked up my hand phone, thinking oh no don't tell me he has met with some mishap. Ever since he's riding now, I get worried when he didn't contact me during the nights or received calls at strange timing like this.

Anyway, his call was not to mention any thing bad but in fact it's a good news! One of the morning last week, it was raining heavily, so he wore the bike jacket to work and after that he just left his bike jacket on the seat to let it dry. Who knows after work when he returned to his bike, the jacket was gone. When he met me for dinner that day, his face and mood was all black. He was cursing and swearing at the person who took away his jacket. Then I told him that, he shouldn't be just blaming at the person, why in the first place that he put the jacket there for people to take? What if people are just hand itchy and wanted to just take and throw the jacket in the dustbin? You wouldn't know right? So shouldn't he be blaming himself too? That weekend, his mother went to chinatown and bought a new jacket for him. Luckily it's quite cheap only $10+. So back to today, bf called me and told me excitedly that he found his original bike jacket! While driving on the road, he saw someone wearing the jacket that looks like his, so he drove up and it's really his. He can confirmed that it belongs to him because there's a tear at his left sleeve. So he confronted the guy and gotten back the jacket that rightfully belongs to him.

In life, how many times can you be so lucky to have lost and found something or someone? Somethings can be bought back with money when lost but what about those that can't?


LiS said...

wad?! he confronted that guy.. must be so paiseh for that fellow. haha

ChewyJas said...

haha ya lo.. but if I'm very certain that item is mine, I will also confront that person de..

LiS said...

ya.. it's lucky for ur bf and not that person. lols