Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Interview Session at CozyCot

Being curious, I went to register for a Ginvera Zero Blackheads Challenge. Who knows a few days later, I received an e-mail from CozyCot asking me to go down to their office for an interview as selection for the challenge will be done only after the interview. I was thinking whether to go or not and discuss it with bf and bf say just go la. So here I am at the CozyCot office at Chiat Hong Building. Before going I went to look at the map and it's just beside ILuma. So I know how to go there. The building looks really old and run-down and I took the wrong lift somemore. Has got level 9 too but when I get out of the lift the whole corridor is dark and so scary!!! The lift is those old old kind and shakes one also. Walked a bit further up and there I saw the directory for CozyCot.

The moment I stepped in, I was greeted by a lady and she asked me to fill in a small piece of A5 paper. After which went over to the photographer and took two photos. Then the last part is the interview part. One long table with about 6 interviewers all conducting the interviews at the same time. Went up to one empty seat and started the interview. Was roughly told about that event. Cannot wear high collar shirt, cannot wear make up, have to stay throughout. Was quite okay with the terms provided. Then the questions came.

She: "Why do you wish to take part in this challenge?"
Me: "Oh, because I realised I've got some blackheads on my nose (she even lean forward to look at my blackheads) and somemore I would like to have a first hand experience of how this Ginvera product can help me remove those blackheads in one step which is so amazing."

So far so good. Now come the second and last question for me.

She: "So how comfortable are you if we asked you to appear on TV or go up on stage?"
Me: "Erm, what? have to go on TV? I think I'm not very comfortable with it."
She: "Okay, that's all, we will notify you if you are chosen." (wrote something on the paper, must be disqualified.)
Me thinking: "What a waste of time! If they've state this earlier, I wouldn't have register."

This is the number tag I got. Number 46. That means there's about 45 candidates infront of me already. I guess there's more to come since I was early.

The Christmas tree at ILUMA. Somehow I find it incomplete without the star at the top. The irony is that there's so many stars hanging right beside the Christmas tree. They should just take one and put on top.


Bf come meet me for dinner and we had a really simple and not so nice dinner.

To compensate for the not so nice dinner, we had DURIANS!! Heehee. I love durians. Don't care sweet or bitter. I just love them. Especially the "Cat Mountain King" 猫山王 :) Yummy~ I get abit irritated when the stupid fruit stall owner keep wanting us to buy the packed ones instead of the unopened ones. Stupid lo. I eating here of course is want you to help me choose nice de and open straight away ma. What's the point of eating those packed ones? I can get them easily from outside NTUC.

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