Monday, August 10, 2009

Sim Lim Square trying to sell my laptop + Watson shopping

I have a laptop that I wanted to sell for a long time but didn't have chance to go Sim Lim to ask for the price. Since, today I'm free decided to make that trip down to Sim Lim to check out what price this laptop of mine can fetch. In my mind, I was thinking just give me about $100 will do. I reached there, found the shop that buy back old laptop, went in and let the salesperson take a look. One look at my laptop, he said, "for your laptop, the highest I can offer you is only $20 - $30!" Faints. My laptop is still workable, Pentium 4 window XP and have upgraded the RAM before. Now only worth $20 - $30. Not even enough if I want to go eat buffet. D: If I knew it would only fetch such a value, I would have make it spoil during the last year of my poly days, so that I can get an exchange for it's still under warranty. J/K~

Laptop bag included somemore.

Toshiba. This is my first ever laptop. Used it ever since my poly days.

Been through lots of thick and thin with me already. Notice that above the F1 to F7 buttons there are some stickers? Nope, those are not just some normal emoticons stickers. Those are Maple Story emoticons. Hahaha. Yesh. Maple story, projects, blogging activities all were once done using this Toshiba laptop.

Anyway, after hearing this disappointing price, went to Bugis Junction with Lynn. Before that, we were watching Xiaxue's Guide to Life video which shows alot of amazing stuff. Like ice-cream for the astronaut, edible panties, stains remover stick. We were so amazed by this particular product. The amazing japanese hair remover sponge! No need to use any cream, no razor blade, just rub rub rub with this sponge and the hairs on the fingers are gone!!

Watch the Xiaxue Guide to Life Video on these weird stuff here:

We went to Sasa to find, but the salesgirl say out of stock and she didn't know when the stock would come. Now is Lynn's turn to be disappointed. She even asked me to go Jurong Point's Sasa to see have or not but I just won't give up. I got a feeling maybe Watson have. We went to Watson asked a young salesgirl, she showed us the VEET cream + sponge. I told her, we wanted the hair remover sponge and she thought we wanted to buy the Veet sponge only. Luckily, she realised what we wanted and she went to find a senior staff. The senior staff knew exactly what we are looking for and pointed to us the correct shelf to find. :D It's JUST WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR!! Wahaha. Bought it for Lynn and myself and even make a Watson lifetime membership card at $5. Tried out the sponge immediately after we bought it. Not a time to waste till went home. Hahaha, and we just LOL when we see the effect. It really works for removing of those thinner hairs that's on the fingers.


Piggy said...

hi can u let me know which store buys laptops? i'm selling mine and want to know how much i can get too.. thanks.

ChewyJas said...

Hi Piggy, u can try to bring ur laptop down to the top floor there. Can't rmb the shop name. Anw, in the end, I sell to one Karang Guni for $100. Better deal :)

Piggy said...

wow i see.. will check it out, thanks.