Sunday, August 30, 2009

Driving - Second lesson on the road

Went to my Ah gong's house in the morning to pray for Ah ma. A lot of relatives were there and commented about my new hairstyle. Watched 我要唱下去 Singapore version.

After that went for my driving. This is my second time on the road with my instructor. Less nervous this time round because I'm mentally prepared. Started the engine, checked through the mirror, adjusted the seat and off we went to the road. Today, my instructor told me his brother is also teaching someone new. So he asked me to follow behind his car, but halfway through we lost track. Or should I say I lost track. LOL.

While on the road, we commented on the nice food around, and even on a family dressing. When I make a right move, my instructor will encourage me by saying good. At the end of the lesson, asked him whether I've improved already, he said yes, this time round more like driving le. Glad my instructor is patient and friendly. Did not even raise his voice and always spoke softly to me.

PS: Qing Nian Hong Fa Tuan - 3391- Xiao Hui Ah Yi

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