Saturday, August 29, 2009

AIA Walk for Charity @ Padang + buffet lunch @ Plaza Market Cafe (2nd lvl of Swisshotel Stamford)

Our monthly activity day is the whole company activity day too. AIA Charity Walk at Padang. Purpose of this walk is to raise money for the cancer patients and also a soft launch of our new logo. No work for the day since we are all out for this event.

We are the admin staffs.

The competitive walkers from my agency. Not supposed to run only can walk. Taken before the race.

The total distance for the walk is about 2km which is not that long. Stopped halfway to take photos. Took alot of photos but lazy to post here since all in facebook.

We are winners. Completed the walk. Our team won the fastest team but didn't get the "best dressed" prize. They said cause the judges wanted to give every team a prize instead of one team winning too many prizes.

While resting, saw this cute baby who is not afraid of strangers and love to smile. Really photogenic. :D

Dunking the CEO to raised money. Not everyone can get a hand on that basketball. Have to bid for it. LOL.

Boss treat buffet lunch at Plaza Market Cafe at Swisshotel Stamford. Nice and yummy. After eating, went back home to sleep cause too tired from waking up early.

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