I always harbour the thought that a wedding invitation must be red or at least pink in colour. When young always heard the older generation say, "啊,又收到红炸弹 !" so from there, I assumed that a wedding invitation should be in a red envelope.
That day I received my first wedding invitation from Ah Noi. It's not that I've not attended wedding dinner before but previously, those that I've attended were from my relatives and my mother/father would be the ones receiving the invitation card la. Anyway, Noi's invitation was a colour far from red.
Many days later, at Orchard Parade Hotel - Antica Ballroom (level 2 - 7pm), a big event took place. It was the wedding dinner of Noi and her husband. This would be the first time we saw her husband. Previously at boss house, she also didn't bring him along. Thus, everyone was curious.

I arrived at around 7.20pm and they were serving cocktails outside the ballroom. I was among the early birds and saw AL and OWL at the reception. The bride was nowhere to be found at that time. Wrote my message on the card and drop the ang bao into the box, after which began to take photos. OWL said she never seen me looked so sweet in the office before and insisted to take a photo of me using AL's handphone. LOL. Cute leh them. True enough, when I went to worked, I seldom wear dress and never put on make up. This dress was just bought recently for this event and I put on some make-up at the very very last minute. Was rushing like mad, and spraying my damn frizzy hair more than 5 times before the fringe finally can stayed in place. One thought I went to a salon to set my hair. LOL. It was only when the ballroom opens and some of the guests went inside the ballroom then the bride came out. A bit sad that the only photo I took with the bride was blurred. Got to see my ex colleague - CT as she was invited too. She's still as workaholic and chirpy as before. Worked until 6am the previous night!
Inside the ballroom. After the second dishes were served, our attention begin to focus on this closed door.
The whole dinner ended puntually at 10.20pm. After which, we all went our seperate ways. It was overall a simple and short wedding dinner. The 8 dishes were ALL very delicious. I wonder whose wedding would I be attending next. Currently on my list of the closer friends I don't think any of them would be holding a wedding this year.
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