Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shopping at Tangs + Dinner at Suki Sushi : Nihon Mura Kaiten Sushi + Friends with Benefits at Cineleisure Orchard

Friends with Benefits starring Justin Timberlake as Dylan and Mila Kunis as Jamie the head hunter who happened to get to know Dylan through work. Both of them just got dumped and so they seek each other for sex without love to prevent themselves from getting hurt and heartbroken again. It's something like "No Strings Attached". Needless to say, things got complicated when their chemistry runs high. 

My personal take on this movie is that it's a waste of time and money. Luckily my ticket is complimentary. I mean, there is really no meaning to this movie. Having sex without emotions? How can that be possible? If you don't like that person, why do you still want to go to bed with him/her? 

To be blogged ...

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