Friday, May 07, 2010

Roller-coaster mood

Carried a heavy heart to the office and suddenly zz gave me this. It was kinda an unexpected gift. She asked me whether I know the meaning of merci and I told her I don't. After that she told me that Merci means "Thank You". It's the sweetest Thank You I've ever received. :)  Brighten up the rest of my day already. I don't even feel upset anymore when I shared with many of them how I failed my driving test. I can even laugh and joke along with them. At least they bother to ask, at least they care. Not like someone who is so nostalgic about everything. Sometime we need to feel appreciated, we need to be encouraged, we can't do this by ourselves, it's not enough. Getting harder and harder to comprehend those conversations exchanged yesterday. All the things you said is running through my head. After work, again have to face another round of nonsense. Make my blood boils again. Then comes the good news that I've won contests again. One $20 Robinson voucher and one $5 NTUC voucher. So when something bad happen, something good will happen to cover the sadness. That's the ups and downs of life.


Ken Wooi said...

merci is thank you in french =)

LiS said...

cheer up my dear friend! i'm sure u will make it e next round with this time's experience!

ChewyJas said...

- kenwooi: orh.. now then I know it's a french language

- LiS: thanks Lis for the encouragement!! :)