Sunday, August 23, 2009

Driving - First Lesson on the road =P

I'm so nervous knowing that today would be my first hands-on driving a car! Didn't get a good sleep yesterday due to me being awaken by one loud thunder. Gave me a big fright that I woke up trembling.

Morning, sms my driving instructer - Mr Tay about how to identify him. I guess he's too busy and packed with his schedule that he didn't called me yesterday to confirm. After that, he called me back and told me the car licence number.

Just as I was about to leave house, it rainned heavily. OMG~ I keep praying the rain to stop because driving in heavy rain is like so scary. What if I skid off the road? What if I lost control of the car? Nervous leh.

Luckily, when I reached there, it's only drizzling abit only. No more rain anymore. Really have no idea what to expect for this first lesson. My Tay need to use the gents first so waited for him to start the first lesson. When he was back, he told me to get into the passenger seat as he give me a ride round the car park. As I haven't pass my final theory yet, he have to teach me every single parts of the car. Basically, he said that auto gear is very simple one. Just need to have perfect control of the steering wheel, accelerator pedal and brake pedal. After the introduction, he drove out to the main road. Stopped by the side of one road and he asked me to get out and change seat with him to drive!!! Testing testing the engine sound first, then he said too loud means I stepped too hard on the accelerator pedal already. The second times is better but I can't feel myself stepping on anything. Then, I was too nervous that I really hold the steering wheel with too tight a grip. So tight that when he wanted to help me to steer he couldn't move. LOL. Tried to relax but very hard especially when turning. I don't know how much I should turn. Once, I even turned into other's people lane which he say very dangerous and helped me to steer back to my lane. It's also very hard to have to remember to keep a lookout on the blind spots and the wing mirror. On paper, everything is so easy, just have to memorise and remember but when it comes to hands-on, it seems like a nightmare. Haha. At the end of the lesson, he still asked me fun or not? I say ok la, but now really know it's not easy. Have to conquer my fear inside first before anything.

Paid the instructor $50 for the first time registering with him. This is to prevent people from changing instructors as and when they like. The one hour lesson today cost $32 as weekend is a peak period so need to pay another $2 more. Total spending from registering with BBDC and taking those tests until now is $124.35. Not cheap and there's so many limitation being PDL only last 6 months, and final theory only last 2 years. Argh. Booked another 3 days of lessons in advance. Will be very busy nowadays. One lesson is on a tuesday from 9pm - 10pm. :( My Tay asked me to choose any days I free, but I let him choose for me since he is the busy one, I see his schedule book, everyday at least 7 people learning. Really easy money earned. Haha.

*Excited* L-Plate driver ^^V Kindly give way to me if you ever see me on the road ah. hahaha.


Ah Leen said...

Neighbougr. So cute. XD You're learning how to drive!! Jiayou jiayou! :D

ChewyJas said...


ChewyJas said...

i learn driving so i no need squeeze MRT or wait for bus.. hehe