Monday, May 05, 2008

Busy day = Monday Blues

Argh, I'm blogging at the office now. Whole day has been keying in ENDLESS case of new applications after applications. It's good news of course that the FSCs are being so productive, and the more cases they sell, the more $$ we all can get, maybe year end bonus will be 3 months instead of 1 month? However, it's bad news for me, cause after keying in the system, still have to scan in, whole thing, application forms, supportings, proposal, FHR. After scan in, need to print out, rename, send emails. Just a lot of trouble. I wish their online platform can be set up soon. Other companies has already used E-submission. Why go through all these troubles to key, scan etc etc when all these could be done online. However, if they really implement this system, will it spells the end of my career? What will my job scope be in future? Sigh. Anyway, don't know to be angry or not. I only received my staff pass today!! The date of issue is 24 Mar 08. Guess what, I have to personally went down to the department and demand them why it's been like 1 month plus already and I still havent gotten my pass. The agony I have to go through every morning to report to the security and asked for a sticker. Dotz one la. Then, this guy search and search and say cannot be la cannot be la. In the end, right at the bottom of the tray is my pass that has already been there for so many days. He still can say I didn't go down and collect, as if is my fault. Piangz, nobody inform me lo. SIAN! Another sian thing is today the production report is out again which means I have to do out the charts for boss and meeting. Alright, stop complaining, be grateful that there's work for you to do. Jia You Jia You!~! 29th exam must pass, don't let people look down okay?! Yay~

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