Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Fashion Lifestyle Blog - I Am Super Duper Contest Winners by TANGS Singapore

Yes, I've always wished that I'm a Super woman!

Got this contest lead from Contest Junkie's blog and I'm so glad that I took part in it. Thank you Contest Junkie! Today, I received an e-mail from the Tangs Web team congratulating me that I've won the third prize! Thank you Tangs! The third prize includes DC Comic DC Comic Superheroes collectibles (worth $180) and 
 M.A.C gift-set (worth $150) Gosh, this big sense of happiness and satisfaction is akin to the time when my composition got posted up on the notice board back in school. (Once in a blue blue moon)

So my winning entry reads . . .

"If I am able to be granted of one special power, I would wish that I have the power to communicate with animals because I believe that animals have the abilities to detect danger which is going to happen around them. Thus, if I can communicate with them, I would get first hand informations on whether a natural disasters is approaching and can warn the rest which in turn save lives.   

I can also get the birds to deliver secret letters, get the fish to search for pearls, or even get the cats and dogs to find buried treasures! If I can communicate with animals, I would be able to understand them more. I would know what is a better way to care for them and prevent them from extinction because humans evolved from animals and human and animals should co-exist peacefully. "

I was overjoyed when there's somebody who even commented that I should get the second prize! Thank you.To me, the prize doesn't matter. It's the writing experience and the fun of getting my brain to work. I have to thanks my mum too. I was really having a hard time deciding what kind of special power I would like to have. Would I want to know what others are thinking? But that would be too tired and upsetting cause I know what others are thinking sometime may not be what they say out. Would I want to travel back to the past and changed history? But in that case, life would be perfect since I can go back to change anytime I want. So I asked my mum this question and she told me she wanted to understand what animals are talking about but she didn't elaborate why. So I did the part to elaborate and as I was typing out the entry, I really like the idea of the ability to understand animals. 

What about you?

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