Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gala Premier "Love Matters" 幸福万岁


觉得自己很幸福,因为能被 OMY 选中去出席 《《幸福万岁》》 的首映。 非常的期待看梁导演的作品。Support local!

7.30pm 我和我的 partner 就到了OMY 的 booth 索取我们的戏票。


男友买的 Love Matters' Combo. 还拿到了一支超可爱的吸管哦~ For couple use. 好看却不好用。很难把水吮上来。

主持人是 Love 97.2FM 的陈建彬和叶咏梅。他们的默契很好,把气氛搞的很棒。建彬大哥很幽默,他在台上问大家幸福吗?然后我们都回答幸福,结果他说:“要是人家问我幸不幸福,我会回答,不,我姓陈!” LOL, get the joke?! 哈哈。看他的穿着也想笑。


明星们陆陆续续的在 8pm 走进红地毯。最令人欢呼的就是小娘惹欧萱。还有 the main charecters in the movies.

9pm, 我们进场了。演员们还在戏还没播之前进来和我们问好。我也很有荣欣的握到辉哥的手。


Friday, January 16, 2009

Visit OMY website


I like to visit omy.sg for my entertainment content simply because OMY gives me lots of juicy, first-hand news completed with entertaining photos, events and contests to win prizes!

How can I not visit OMY.sg and put it in my daily link??! =)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The storybook I would love to be trapped in

If only I can be trapped in a storybook, it would be . . .

in this beautiful book called 'The Pooh Story Book' by A A Milne. It has hardbacked, A4 and has 79 perfect read pages. The pages are full of gorgeous coloured pictures and stories.


1. A House is Built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore.

2. Piglet is Entirely Surrounded by Water.

3. Pooh Invents a New Game and Eeyore Joins in.

Just imagine, if I am trapped in the story book, I can be friends with so many cute animals. Everyday there will be some sort of advanture waiting for me to uncover. Every day is a happy day.

I won't be the only human being there as I have Christopher Robin who is also a human being,

I have the willy nilly silly old bear who loves honey and who can be my huggable bear at night,

I have the teeny weeny pinky piglet,

I have the bouncey jumpy tigger who is always so full of joy,

I have the wise owl whom I can seek wisdom,

and I have Eeyore, Kanga & Roo, Rabbit to accompany me

What more could I ask for?