Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to have a happy period ~!

It's that dreaded time of the month again. The time whereby I tend to gets moody and emo easily, the time whereby I can't sleep well at night and have to toss and turn in bed due to cramps in the stomach. During this period, not only I suffered. Bf also have to put up with my nonsense. Pity him. 

Moody and glommy

So what exactly can be done to minimize the agony that almost all women faced? 

Given to me by Grace C last year.


Eating chocolate caused the brain to release endorphins which is a chemical which makes us feels good. No wonder I always feels happy when I received chocolate as present. Haha. 

From Bugis Junction in April 2010


Yes, exercise can help to relax the muscles that caused the cramp and also take your mind off the cramp. So put on that running shoe and start jogging at the nearby park. Do not think that just lying on the bed would help as the cramp would get worse! Before exercising, you may also wish to consider drinking a cup of hot milo. Do not take cold drinks during the few days as it will cause even the cramp to be even more painful. 

Sanitary Pad costume wore by someone during the
Halloween party that got listed in the website 

Sanitary Pad

Choosing the right kind of sanitary pad is also one of the important factor to have a happy period. With wings or no wings, extra long or normal, ultra thin or maxi. All these are to the preference of the user depending on whether you are wearing it during the day time or night time, the flow of the menses etc. 

Happy already :)

Be positive 

Smile, think positive and have a happy period. 

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