Thursday, April 09, 2009

Beware of SCAMMERS

My hotmail account is probably my most precious email account as it acts as a tools for me to stay in touch with my friends. It is also my email for MSN. So when I received this stupid scamming email I got very upset. WTH! Stupid scammers trying to scam me with this:

This email looks exactly like what the windows live team would sent out occasionally. The layout and everything. However, when you read on, there is a part that requires you to reply back with your name, password, DOB, country and if you don't you will lose your account permanently as stated!!!

Below is a zoom-in version of the box in red which I wish to high-light. If you have really press reply, do you know who you are sending the informations to? Definitely not the Window Lives Team but it's just someone with the email:

So everyone please be extremely careful about your accounts. I really hope nobody falls into this scammer's scheming scam.

I've decided to change my password after this incident. No kidding. Know what is the difference between a weak, medium and strong password? A weak password is one with all alphabets only like: jaspass. A medium password is a combination of alphabets and numerics like: jaspass86. A strong password would be Mixed caps of alphabets plus numerics like JaSpAsS86. This is just an illustration. Do not think that this is my actual password.

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