Saturday, December 31, 2011

Remembering 2011 : Welcoming 2012

2011 is coming to an end. It has been a great year overall and I'm totally welcoming 2012 with wide-open arms! Cheers! (Wish I have someone to toast to)


This time round, I would not be making any resolutions as I tend to forget them by end of Jan so what's the point? Instead, I just hope that I would be a better and smarter person. Make lesser careless mistakes and do more good deeds. What goes around comes around. It's important to start the year with a positive mindset. 


Also, I hope I'm able to treat everyday as if it's the last day of my life and make full use of it. Carpe diem. Like, what if 2012 is the end of the world? The possibilities are there. Aliens invasion. Natural disasters. Diseases. Anything can happen. Watched a talk show on Channel U before and they were on this discussion topic too. How would you like the World to end? What's the last thing you'd do if it's the last day of your life. An inauspicious topic but interesting discussion. If one day, Planet Earth really cannot sustain any more lives, there's still other planet around. Note the discovery of Kepler 22b by NASA. Read news here. However, guess the problem is how do we get there? 

So, to end my post, I sincerely wish everyone a great 2012 with abundance of love, peace and joy.  ~ xoxo ~ 

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