Wednesday, December 28, 2011

DIY Lovely Nail Art - Epic Failure

This was my birthday present this year. I brought it along with me to KL thinking to put it on during the awards night. Who knows, the glue was already dried up (stupid me don't know about proper maintenance and didn't keep the glue in the fridge). A few days ago, I went Daiso to buy the nail art glue. Lucky I managed to find it. I love shopping at Daiso, it has almost every thing. Bf even bought a mouse pad there.  

Anyway, this is my first attempt to DIY my nails using ready-made nail art. As you can see from the photo, I didn't really paste the fake nails near to the end of my nails so it's super obvious that it's not my real nails. I even tried to use a pair of scissors to cut the top part away as it was too long. Long fingernails bothers me just as much as keeping my hair long. It's too much of a hassle   

The bad news is, the nail art didn't last me a day. When I woke up in the morning, I found two dropped off and I decided to remove 4 of the nails of my right hand as I knew I wouldn't be able to type properly if I keep them on. During work, more dropped out. By bathing time, I was left with only one and it eventually dropped off too after my bath session. Wahaha. Epic failure. Now I need to go for a manicure as there's still traces of the nail art glue stuck on my nails. 


  1. Erm.. i think it's the wrong side. The pink one should be at the top, the lace part should be the part near your skin, cos it's more curvy

  2. I never use this before. Hmmmmm... Not sure how it works. Maybe can youtube for tutorial?

  3. @ y.Ho : Hmm . U might be right , I didn't think of turning it the other way round !

    @ Evelyn G. : I guess it wld be a one-time experience for me only . . haha . I guess I would still choose to use the nail polish . .

  4. i think u stick from the wrong side :) btw the fake nail look nice

  5. @ Caro : Thanks , u and y.Ho was right , I should stick the other way round ! Omg . I was so noob :(
