Sunday, June 06, 2010

Malay cleaner Auntie youngest son's wedding + Temple Pray pray

Had a chance to attend a Malay wedding. Was invited by our office cleaner Auntie. She invited her colleagues, some secretaries and some bosses. I was happy to sort of represent my side to attend. The malay marriage is considered a regal affair and the groom and bride are treated as King and Queen of the day.

This grandly designed bridal chamber is known as the pelamin or wedding dais. It is especially created for the bersanding (sitting in state) ceremony which is of course the highlight and perhaps the most essential event.

The groom and bride finally arrived at mid-afternoon. The arrival is accompanied by the hadrah troupe made up of mostly teenagers. They started beating the kompang (hand drums) and sing Quranic verses and good wishes. The groom was also accompanied by a guy on the right carrying the bunga manggar (palm blossoms) and a busload of relatives and friends.

The King and Queen with the groom's family.


The later part of the afternoon, went to the 新加坡佛牙寺龙华院. It was my first time there. It's not only a temple but also a museum. 5 storey high in total including a rooftop full of orchids and a giant prayer wheel. I found my guandian spirit for those born in the year of Ox and Tiger to be Akasagarbha. His wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself thus his name is 虛空藏菩薩  translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store". It's a quiet and peaceful place to go to and also a place to gain more understanding of the Buddha.

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