Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Freebies through the mailbox - Kawaii Tokyo Facial Cleanser

Especially air-mailed to my house from JAPAN!! Whee~ :D
My mum called me in the middle of work asking me so many questions like how come send to you? What is inside? Can I open it? Making me all excited and wishing that I could open it straightaway. I somehow remembered I did participate in one Kawaii Tokyo campaign and had put an advertisement on my blog too. At the bottom of the right side bar. So I think that is the contest which I've won the prize through and I'm right! Just that I didn't expect them to be so nice and sweet to have air-mailed the facial wash to me. I thought maybe still need to collect them personally at a singpost branch or what.

Before I opened the plastic can see from the cover that it's a Facial Foam as stated Face Washing Foam.

The box. Princessy

A very formal letter to thanks me and congrats me about winning the prize

Japan thingy are really cute. Even the cover of a packet of tissue paper can be so nice. This is the front and back of the tissue paper enclosed. Won't bare to use it also.

A Piece of handkerchief.

Finally I saw the Facial Foam. Well hidden underneath the very cute side gifts. Those Styrofoams looks like mashmellows.

The whole set of presents!
Just nice my current facial foam is about to finished. After that, I will used this and give a review or it.

Thanks to Contest Junkie for advertising their contest on his blog too. If not I wouldn't even have this lobang to participate. :)

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