Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Lunch @ Anchor Point

I thought I could have a peaceful morning since office was quite empty, the leaders all went to the leader's meeting downstairs, however I was wrong. Having escaped from attending the meetings, I couldn't escaped from answering the phone calls. J called, said that her candidate was @ the exam hall but the ex-staff didn't registered her candidate name in, so today was a wasted trip and she wanted me to check the next available time slot. Lucky, I know how to check, but I can't do a registration for her as I do not have her particulars so still have to get back to CL. After that, CL went for e meeting. S called. S asked me to generate HNW proposal. My first time doing okay. She was quite pek chek in guiding me through the process, as the last part I didn't see the button that need to be click, so the premium amount came out wrong. After generating, still have to email to someone. After that, CN called. Asked me to help check the premium due for 2 clients. Do this, do that, time passed very fast again. Mid morning, more and more cases were submitted to me, tried my best to key them in. Statements were out today too and the AH production. Have to do this and do that. Helped to key in cases, scaned through the app form, now can identify some mistakes that FSC made. It's heartwarming that some of the FSC appreciated me, and encourage me, saying that I'm doing well, etc etc. I also hope that their cases can be delivered smoothly so eyes must open bigger to spot mistakes. Lunch time, as boss went out for lunch, CL asked if we want go Anchor Point to eat. So C said she wanted to buy cooling drinks. I also agree to go. First time lunch at Anchor Point, always have been Da-Baoing back to eat. So I choose to eat Jap food as Alex market don't sell Jap food. After eating, shop at Cold Storage. Bought cup noodles, sweets, etc. Hehe and finally I saw a Sweet Talk outlet there. LOL. Can drink bubble tea liao. =P After lunch, just work and work and work non-stop until finish the production report. Still have to do quarter chart for next week meeting.

Some photos taken at Anchor Point:

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